Hoy es 18 de octubre

Morella: un viaje en el tiempo

12/07/2019 - 

VALÈNCIA. Las murallas, el castillo y el acueducto de Santa Lucía constituyen un maravilloso trío para abrir boca, y al atravesar una de las puertas que llevan a Morella sentirás que has viajado al medievo. Un paseo te lleva al Castillo de Morella que parece haber salido de las entrañas mismas de la roza sobre la que está edificado. Entre sus palacios, casas solariegas y estrechas calles, llegarás a la Iglesia Arciprestal de Santa María la Mayor. De su gastronomía destaca la sopa morellana y la trufa. Fuera de sus murallas se extiende un mar de montañas, bosques y espacios de gran belleza salpicados de un rico patrimonio cultural y artístico.


To get you started, the wonderful trio comprised by the castle, its walls and the Santa Lucía Aqueduct, and travel back in time to the Middle Ages as you cross one of the seven doors that lead to the heart of Morella. A promenade takes you directly to the Castle of Morella, which seems to risen from the very core of the mountain on which it is built. Among its palaces, manor houses and narrow streets you will reach the Santa María la Mayor Archpriest Church, one of the most beautiful Mediterranean temples. Friendly and hospitable, worthy of mention is its famous Morellana soup (with lamb) and the Sexeni festival that is celebrated every six years. Outside its walls there is a sea of mountains, forests and stunning sites dotted with a rich cultural and artistic heritage.
